OTM moved my 3-bedroom apartment. They did an amazing job! Great service & reasonable prices. Highly recommended. Rav Hillel and Chaya Lester are co-founders of the Shalev Center. They live in Nachlaot with their 3 children. Hillel received Rabbinic Ordination from Sulam Yaakov Yeshiva and is a therapist trained in Narrative Therapy and Jewish Spiritual Counseling. He has over 20 years of experience in meditation as a practitioner and teacher and has recently taught at Isralight, the Inward Bound program, Shirat Devorah and Ashrei. Prior to becoming a Rabbi, Hillel served as Principal Consultant at a major acoustical firm in California.
Chaya is a psychotherapist, Jewish educator and writer. She holds an Ivy League BA in Religious & Jewish Studies, and an MA in Clinical Psychology. She also did extensive doctoral work in Jewish Studies at Oxford University in England. Chaya has been widely published in books, magazines, and online forums including the Jerusalem Post.